
Content Marketing Tech Tool of the Week: Twitter Landing Pages

Twitter landing pageThis week's Tech Tool of the Week is something that I just learned about from pistachio, but I think it's a completely genius tool. This week's tech tool is the Twitter landing page, which is a specific page created for your Twitter profile. For the Twitter bio, you have the option to include one link. Instead of including a link to your home page, this week's tech tool is a link to a specific Twitter landing page, where you can including not only a little bit about yourself, but also include the sort of things that you tweet about, your policies regarding following others, or even additional places to look for you, like your business blog or your other social media accounts.

As an example, take a look at my personal landing page. It includes some biographical information that can't be found on the rest of my site, and I also let people know what I tweet about and my policy about following others. I think this is such a great tool because 160-characters only goes so far in describing who you are and what you do (plus, that area is better used if it includes a few keywords or hashtags). A landing page offers an excellent opportunity to thank someone for following you or checking out your page, while describing who you are in a bit more detail. It also gives the person a chance to check out the rest of your site, or to provide any additional resources (such as a free offer or a link to your blog). It's a customized social media experience. Here's another example of a Twitter landing page, this time of Darren Rowse of ProBlogger.

Get the idea? It's really easy to put one together, so get started on this week's Tech Tool of the Week!